Doraemon Anaglyph Cup

This product is for China (Others) , China (Canton) , China (Inner Mongolia, Tibet, Jilin Province, Heilongjiang Province) and China (Receiver Pays) only.

HK$ 175

*Exchange rate may fluctuate. Exact price is determined at payment.

Doraemon Anaglyph Cup

This product is for China (Others) , China (Canton) , China (Inner Mongolia, Tibet, Jilin Province, Heilongjiang Province) and China (Receiver Pays) only.

HK$ 175

*Exchange rate may fluctuate. Exact price is determined at payment.

晶莹剔透浮雕杯 满满的圣诞氛围

圣诞树下 大雄与哆啦欢乐相聚

吃圣诞大餐的话 也要带着我blingbling出席呀!

悄悄告诉你 红酒和我是般配 果汁和我是登对

“干杯~” 📝

8L x 8.5W x 11Hcm
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Only left in stock. Order now!
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